Ayway here are the photos
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I forgot Halloween
Well Toby had his fist trick or treating experience this year. We went to mom and Joes to go door to door. Toby dressed as a Dragon he was so cute in his costume....I love Old Navy.
Ayway here are the photos

Ayway here are the photos
October and Half of November in Review
Well another month has gone by and I need to update you all on what is going on here at our house.....Well since the last post we went on our annual hunting trip over to Stan and Beavers house. This year i had two tags to fill, one buck and one doe. I filled my doe tag on the Sunday of opening weekend. Troy hunted the next three days and filled his tag on that Wednesday his buck was a really nice 4x3 mule deer that weighed in at 205 pounds dressed. I hunted with Stan for the next two days and got my buck Friday evening at dusk, it was my first whitetail with a nice 4x4 rack. The day before getting my buck Stan and i got to see the biggest white tail deer that we have ever seen I wish that we could have been able to get a picture because he was indescribable and everyone thought that it was a "fish story" when we came back to the house. Anyway we had a really good time over on the other side and Toby really enjoyed himself too.
We arrived home from hunting on Saturday the 24th of October to find that our well was not working, so we had to wait until morning to call the repair man. It wasn't anything major just the cylinoid on the electrical had gone bad. We got the well repaired just in time to get showers in and go over to Seattle to watch the final regular season Sounders game against Dallas. The Sounders won that game and went on to the Playoffs. We made it to the first playoff game against Houston where the Sounders tied.

As you all may know Toby is supposed to be going to a speech therapy school soon. Well Ifound out Yesterday that he starts on Friday he will be going once a week for 30 minutes to start out. I am excited and can't wait for him to start using his words. I will try and update tomorrow or Saturday with Pictures of his first day.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Long Overdue
Well the last time I posted was the day before Toby's 2nd birthday so a lot has taken place since then. Toby is still on the potty training wagon and going strong very few accidents these days. Toby has not really said one word up until yesterday so he has to go to a special school called Holly Ridge we have had an over the phone consultation with one of the therapists already and an in home one takes place the week on Wednesday., and two more inpatient consults in November. Yesterday he said his very first clear word, I bet you are wondering if it was Momma or Dadda.........Nope neither of those fit the bill his first word was NO! very loud and clear he kept saying it over and over if we asked him something.
Toby had a great B-day we took a weekend and went camping in Sequim an he received a new shiny red Radio Flyer Wagon from my mom and a new dump truck and soccer clothes from Troy and I.
The house I listed in August just closed and I have spent the last 2 weeks moving my business from Reid Real Estate to Dale Waters Real Estate. it is a much smaller company and the commission disbursements are much better there. i needed to be able to keep as much of the hard earned money that I make in my own pocket and not give it to a company that does nothing for me. I have a new e-mail so those of you that need it please call me or troy to get our new e-mails. Troy has his own e-mail account now as well.
Troy has been keeping pretty busy these last few months working for KO Construction with our friend Ken. Winter is sneaking up on us quick so his work will slow down a little as will mine.
Well enough with the babble here are the pics....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Big Boy Potty!
Well Toby has decided that he is done with diapers, he did this all on his own. It all started the other day when he took his pants and diaper off and opened up his potty chair and went. he did it without us telling him or teaching him to do so. he refuses to wear a diaper or even pull ups now unless it is bed time or time to go in the car. I am so astonished at this new development. I was thinking that we would wait until he started talking. That way we could at least communicate with him and he with us on when it was time for him to use the potty. I guess they just know when they are ready. Troy joked around and stated that he will just potty train himself whether we are ready for it or not.....now I am beginning to think that he is right.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mariner's Baseball in Style
Today I went to a mariner's game with my best friend Tammy. Her parents gave us the tickets to the exclusive Diamond club seating .....right on the field. i could not believe the seats you could see everything. you could actually hear the crack of the bats and the slap of the ball in the catchers glove. I was able to get a ball that was used in the game and get it signed by one of the pitchers # 48 Ian Snell, I also got him a few other prises for his birthday. The pictures are enough to speak for themselves. Troy called me twice during the game to inform me that i was on TV, how cool is that? here are the photos......Enjoy

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